

NB: Following LinkedIn (a WEF Member) Censorship, thousands of links have been broken. These have to be redirected but this shall take a very long time. Please be patient.


NCBP / Brochure /Book / LinkedIn: Ezines - Articles - Posts / Facebook / Resumes / Unpublished work


New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP)

New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) Pdf Presentation

New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) Word Presentation



Brochure: A comprehensive resume of the IMNRC's extensive scope of activities.



The Interface Paradigm

IMNRC Editions [ISBN 9782960073805]
January 3, 2007

The first edition (ISBN 9782960073805) only gave a very general outlook on Interfaces yet sold out very quickly. The second edition (under preparation) shall give a more comprehensive yet still intelligible and accessible description of Interfaces together with an updated account of the IMNRC-NewPOL Network's activities. 

We are basically interested in interfaces. An interface is what is between... and since interfaces are not only omnipresent but also the interconnecting principle that integrates the infinitesimally small with the infinitesimally large, understanding interfaces requires a fundamental state of mind (or mindset) change. This means unlearning and relearning, optimising the state of mind (or mindset) for complex holistic multicultural integrated interdisciplinary challenge processing, something that the existing education does not provide. This Interface Mindset has the potential to set up a universal algorithm using a common language - the interface - that elegantly articulates the multitude of fragmented parts of the “Universe” together. The Interface Paradigm elegantly illustrates the fundamental natural interconnectedness between all “things” - interfaces - in the Universe and how by creating an artificial yet convincing discontinuity, replacing it by a conceptual interconnectedness thereby confusing the orders of abstraction and losing him/herself in a conceptual maze, the Human Being is leading civilisation - and Planet Earth - to its doom. The interface is not only an extraordinarily powerful investigating tool, it is probably the key to understanding the Universe including therefore ourselves and the Life Sciences. Applications of Interfaces are multiple, ranging from fundamental research to new governance.



LinkedIn Profile:  

LinkedIn Activity: 

IMNRC: The Institution

IMNRC: Interface Education

IMNRC: Interface Diagnostics Cabinet (IDC)

IMNRC: The New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP)

IMNRC: The NCBP Task Force  






1. ARTICLES (Are being redirected)


Spoliation de mon patrimoine familial par le Système Politique Belge et Européen. (28th April 2024)

New World Constitution (25th April 2024)

Civil Society Week, EESC/CoR, Brussels, 4-7nth March 2024 - Rise Up For Democracy! (10nth March 2024)

2024: A World Orchestra (1rst January 2024)

European Business and Health Summits 2023 (29nth Decembre 2023)

IMNRC/NCBP: Excellent Business Opportunities (17nth Decembre 2023)

WHERE IS THE TRUTH...??? (20th Novembre 2023)

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” (J. Kr) (16nth Octobre 2023)

Emergency: Last Chance for World Peace ---> New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) (15nth Octobre 2023)

Where Are The Funds? (16nth Septembre 2023)

What Are We Waiting For? (8th Septembre 2023)

Aan de Vlaamse overheid: "Geef me terug wat u van mij hebt gestolen!" (7nth August 2023)

New Capacity Building Programme: Your Support Is Needed! (12th July 2023)

New World Constitution Needed! (7nth July 2023)

World Peace: How? Mindset Reset (7nth June 2023)

2024 EC Presidential Election Campaign (19nth May 2023)

Shocking Pressure On The NCBP (14nth May 2023)

EU: The Capital of Hypocrisy (2nd May 2023)

Interface Education (1rst May 2023)

InfoDiagnosis: The IMNRC's Online Medical Education, Information and Diagnosis Website (30th April 2023)

War ---> Peace: Huge Funds Needed! (29 April 2023)

World Peace: Open Address to the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres (28th February 2023)

The New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) Peace Plan (20th February 2023)

Earthquake Disaster. International Community and UN+EU+WEF System accused! (15nth February 2023)

First NCBP Summit = Counter WEF Summit: Registration (3rd February 2023)

The EU Soul Is Corrupt (19nth Decembre 2022)

Interface Medicine. Clinical Breakthroughs: Invasive Bladder Cancer & Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (7nth Decembre 2022)

WORLD POPULATION! WAKE UP! (7nth Decembre 2022)

Let's Join Forces (25th Novembre 2022)

Interface Medicine. Clinical Breakthroughs: Invasive Bladder Cancer & Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (25th Novembre 2022)

European Business Summit 2022 (19nth Novembre 2022)

The International Interface Research Centre (IIRC): Open Call (9nth Octobre 2022)

Call For UN+EU+WEF System Replacement! (8th Octobre 2022)

European Political Community = EU System Controlled = UN+EU+WEF Controlled (6th Octobre 2022)

The UN+EU+WEF System's War (24th Septembre 2022)

A UN New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) Presentation? (15nth Septembre 2022)

Mainstream Education: A Totalitarian Ineffective System (12nth Septembre 2022)

Difference between the WEF & the NCBP! (1rst Septembre 2022)

I am Candidate for the EC Presidency 2024. What does this imply? (29nth August 2022)

World Chaos: Let's Get Started! 260 National NCBP Teams Needed! (23rd July 2022)

To My Mind There Is A Lack Of World Leadership (8th July 2022)

The Covid Mix Chaos (25th June 2022)

Save The IMNRC! International Appeal (17nth June 2022)

World Crisis: Solution = New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) (4th June 2022)

IMNRC/NCBP: Funds Needed (21rst May 2022)

The Counter Official Narrative: Call For Participation (12th May 2022)

European Parliament = WEF (11nth May 2022)

The EU System's Proposed = Imposed Directives: DSA, Digital Certificate, ... (29nth April 2022)

Humanity: Sleepwalking To Its Doom (6th April 2022)

Stop This War! How? (20th March 2022)

World Conflict 2022. The World System Must Be Rethought.(11nth March 2022)

NCBP Predicted WWIII at World Press Conference on 10nth January 2019 (5th March 2022)

World Conflict 2022: Could Have Been Prevented! (2nd March 2022)

World War III? How To Defuse A World Ticking Time Bomb...? (14nth February 2022)

The Worldwide Educational System: Perhaps The Greatest Swindle Of All Times. Why? (7nth February 2022)

NCBP Task Force: Open Call (4) (7nth February 2022)

Candidate for the EC Presidency 2024. I Need Your Support! - IMNRC (6th Decembre 2021)

World Covid-19 Crisis 2021: Plan B (28th Novembre 2021) 

World Crisis & The Abuse Of Power (21rst Novembre 2021)   

Enroll... Enroll... Enroll... To Save Our Civilisation (21rst Octobre 2021)

Dr. Ursula von der Leyen: Resign!(18nth Septembre 2021)

World Crisis 2021: Global Mobilisation Needed! (3rd Septembre 2021)

The NCBP Task Force: Open Call (3) (2nd Septembre 2021)

World "Helpless-Hopeless" Mindset (19nth August 2021)

Interface Education (18nth August 2021)

Understanding Global Complexity (2) (18nth August 2021)

QR Code = World Population Control? (15nth August 2021)

Global Challenges of the Third Millennium (14nth August 2021)

UN/EU System's Coronavirus Global Response Debunked. Aggressive "Vaccine"​  Strategy Openly Questioned. (22nd July 2021)

The Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster: EU/UN System Directly Responsible. (10nth July 2021)

The Global Covid-19 Pandemic Is Not Over. Why? (25th June 2021)

Just Wondering... (11nth June 2021)

Climate Change and Health Institute vs International Interface Research Centre (IIRC) (29nth May 2021)

The NCBP Task Force: Open Call (2) (29nth May 2021)

IMNRC & NCBP International Support. Open Call. (25th May 2021)

"Fact Checkers" Censor A Nobel Prize Laureate. (21rst May 2021)

Trial Of The Third Millennium (17nth May 2021)

Introduction to Understanding and Managing Global Complexity (Part II). (15nth May 2021)

Conflict: Open Global Call (CWIN 9) (14nth May 2021)

Covid-19: Open Global Call (CWIN 10) (13nth May 2021)

IMNRC & NCBP International Support (6th May 2021)

Bien Mal Acquis Ne Profite Jamais - Misappropriated Information Backfires (17nth April 2021)

Covid-19: An Education Crisis That Could Have Been Prevented! (6th March 2021)

The IMNRC/NCBP Needs Funding (3rd March 2021)

Restoring World Trust: My Top Priority as UN Secretary General (28th February 2021)

Global Governance: NCBP or WEF? (2nd February 2021)

UN/EU System Incompetence (25th January 2021)

Fake News: What "Is"​ Fake? (24th January 2021)

Covid-19: Tango (12 January 2021)

Are You A Sheep? (24 Décembre 2020)

Covid-19 Is Not A Medical Challenge (20th Decembre 2020)

World Inertia! (11nth Decembre 2020)

Whistleblower Intimidation (9nth Decembre 2020)

European Global Governance vs World Global Governance (28th Novembre 2020)

IMNRC: Medicine Seen Through Interfaces (27nth Novembre 2020)

Open Call To Big Finance (22nd Novembre 2020)

The EU System vs The EU Citizens: The Breaking Point (13nth Novembre 2020)

The World Needs A New Leader (31rst Octobre 2020)

Citizens! You Don't Know What To Do? JOIN US! (27nth Octobre 2020)

Covid-19 = Global Complexity (16nth Octobre 2020)

Lost Trust: The Third Millennium's Worst Pandemic (13nth Octobre 2020)

There Is Something That I Don't Understand. Or Rather... I do (8th Octobre 2020)

Continental Complexity (8th Octobre 2020)

The EU/UN System: The Devil In Disguise (2nd Octobre 2020)

Just Three Million Euros Needed To Save Our Civilisation (26th Septembre 2020)

UN SDGs: A Plagiarism For World Control (20th Septembre 2020) the UN/EU System! (17nth Septembre 2020)

Understanding Global Complexity (9nth Septembre 2020)

World Network of Happy Localities Consortium vs The EU/UN System (8th Septembre 2020)

Dear World. Please Calm Down. Let's Become Friends :-) (4th Septembre 2020)

New EU Elections? (3rd Septembre 2020)

EU System Democracy... (31rst August 2020)

NCBP - NCBP Task Force - National Delegations - BAMSF - IMNRC-NCN (30th August 2020)

Call For Funding (17nth August 2020)

World Network of Happy Localities: CWIN 11 (12th August 2020)

World Crisis: Expected and Deserved (9nth August 2020)

Call To Citizens Of The World! (7nth August 2020)

Stop The EU Recovery Plan! (4th August 2020)

NCBP suggests: "EU Recovery Budget ---> World Recovery Budget!"​ (30th July 2020)

World Funding For World Renaissance (29nth July 2020)

How To Restore World Peace? (26th July 2020)

Open Call To The European Parliament: Pause Please... (22nd July 2020)

The Third Millennium's Top Priority: Achieving and Sustaining the Citizens' Well Being and Quality of Life (20th July 2020)

The Covid-19 Disaster: It All Fits In! (17nth July 2020)

NCBP Requests a UN/EU Mandate To Recover Lost World Trust (15nth July 2020)

How To Get Started? (14nth July 2020)

Eight Billion Human Beings Need To Be Addressed DIRECTLY! HOW? (12th July 2020)

The NCBP Task Force: Open Call (9nth July 2020)

Just How Ugly HAS Been The EU System? (6th July 2020)

The World Educational System: From Fragmented Success to Global Failure (3) (4th July 2020)

Open Address To UN Secretary General Guterres and EC President Von Der Leyen (4th July 2020) 

Qui Croire? (1rst July 2020)

UN/EU System: STOP! (18nth June 2020)

World Crisis - Solution: The Importance of Intangibles (11nth June 2020)

Covid-19 Pandemic: Responsibilities (3) (9nth June 2020)

David against Goliath (6th June 2020)

Covid-19 Research: Disgusted! (5th June 2020)

Open Address To Ursula von der Leyen (2) (28th May 2020)

The UN SDGs: The Quest For Power! (28th May 2020)

IMNRC & NCPB: Pages & Groups Clarification (24th May 2020)

Happiness! The Third Millennium's Top Priority...! (11nth May 2020)

The World System Is Locked In! (7nth May 2020) 

Coronavirus Global Response: A Scam (4th May 2020)

We Don't Know What To Do! (30th April 2020)

The UN/EU System Hijacks The NCBP's Coronavirus Global Response (28th April 2020)

How About A World Constitution...? (25th April 2020)

Covid-19 Pandemic: Responsibilities (2) (21rst April 2020)

The Covid-19 Pandemic Requires Global Collaboration (15nth April 2020)

Covid-19 Pandemic: Solidarity or No Solidarity? That Is The Question. (14nth April 2020)

Madame La Présidente Imposée: Assez! (12th April 2020)

We Can't Manage Global Complexity! (11nth April 2020)

Citizens Of The World: A Big Warning! (10nth April 2020)

Post Covid-19 World Renaissance. Rise Up Citizens! (7nth April 2020)

Our Leaders Don't Know What To Do... (26th March 2020)

Covid-19 Pandemic. Complete Failure of the SDGs. Drop The SDGs! (25th March 2020)

Covid-19 Pandemic: Responsibilities (1) (23rd March 2020)

Arrogance: European Union's Nemesis (2) (22nd March 2020)

Covid-19 Pandemic: Key to Solution! (20th March 2020)

J'ACCUSE!... I ACCUSE! (20th March 2020)

A World Crisis ---> A World Strategy (19nth March 2020)

Coronavirus: World Incompetence (3) (17nth March 2020)

The Triple Failure (16nth March 2020)

Call To New Global Governance! (14nth March 2020)

What does "join" mean? What does "collaboration" mean? (8th March 2020)

Coronavirus: World Incompetence (2) (4th March 2020)

What Exactly Is the New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP)? (27nth February 2020)

Coronavirus: World Incompetence (1) (24th February 2020)

UN + EU + WEF = Hope or Danger? (21rst February 2020)

IMNRC/NCBP: "Open Doors" to the public: 20th February - 31rst March (16nth February 2020)

IMNRC-NCBP Workshop. 18-19 February 2020. Tervuren, Brussels, Belgium (7nth February 2020)

The European Institutions Have Failed (31rst January 2020)

Davos 2020 - Elephant in the WEF: The New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) (22nd January 2020)

THE EU SECT (18nth January 2020)

The EU System on Autodestructive Mode (15nth January 2020)

The Future of Europe: 2019 - ? (28th Decembre 2019)

Open Address to Ursula von der Leyen (1) (19nth Decembre 2019)

World Problems = Mindset Problem (18nth Decembre 2019)

Spain COP 25 Failure: The Shocking Hypocrisy of Human Beings. (15nth Decembre 2019)

Global Challenges = Global Solidarity = Global Trust = Global Hope (12th Decembre 2019)

The New European Dictators: 2019 - ?... (30th Novembre 2019)

The UN and EU: Cold Cases... (24th Novembre 2019)

European Collapse or European Renaissance? European Parliament's Historic Responsibility (19nth Novembre 2019)

The Extraordinary Potential Constructive/Destructive Power of Intangibles (12th Novembre 2019)

Citizens! Take To The Streets! Again! (10nth Novembre 2019)

The Chicken and the Egg. (6th Novembre 2019)

European Commission President-imposed Von der Leyen: Resign! (15nth Octobre)

The UN System: "Bien mal acquis ne profite jamais"​ as the French saying goes. (10nth Octobre 2019)

"You shall not be allowed to take the floor anymore!"​ threatens a Director at the Egmont Institution, Brussels. (6th Octobre 2019)

The NCBP vs The SDGs: Give Credit Where Credit Is Due! (2nd Octobre 2019)

UN Climate Change and SDG Summit: How Dare You? (24th Septembre 2019)

Why I Have Lost Trust in the UN System and the EU Institutions. (17nth Septembre 2019)

The European Commission reaches people based on their activity on Facebook! (12th Septembre 2019)

IMNRC: Interface Education. Bachelor and Master in Interfaces. Registration open (2nd Septembre 2019)

Peace in Europe: Why Only 80 years? (1rst Septembre 2019)

Greta Thunberg Swallowed By The System (28th August 2019)

"Never again!" - "Plus jamais ça!" (19nth August 2019) 

United Nations: What For?? (18nth August 2019)

Why have the UN (et al) and the EU been blocking the New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP)? (13nth August 2019)

Queen Elisabeth II: "Our politicians can't govern!" We agree. So let's proceed without them. (11nth August 2019)

An Unhappy World. (5th August 2019)

The Future of Our World: A Mindset Issue. (2nd August 2019)  

Trust Is Lost. (2nd August 2019)

IMNRC: Interface Education. Master in Interfaces. Registration open. (27nth July 2019)

A Warning for Business in Europe. (24th July 2019)

European Institutions'​Ultimate Objective: Controlling EU Citizens and Society. (22nd July 2019)

The Future of Europe: Citizens Must Take Over! (18nth July 2019)

European Parliament capitulates and validates Imposed European Commission President Nominee Ursula von der Leyen. Citizens Manipulated (17nth July 2019)

Love and Happiness... (14nth July 2019)

European Institutions: last chance to start over to avoid collapse. (11nth July 2019)

Education of Tomorrow: Interface Education. Master in Interfaces. Summer Courses. Registration Open. (9nth July 2019)

MEPs. You have a unique opportunity to recover the citizens' lost trust and respect: reject the imposed nominee for the EC Presidency and start over! (9nth July 2019)

The Future of Europe... Call To Action! (6th July 2019)

European Institution Autocracy: The Denigration of the Citizens! (4th July 2019)

Independent Candidate for the European Commission Presidency suggests launching the New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) (30th June 2019)

European Commission Presidency: EU Collapse or EU Transition? (30th June 2019)

The Future Of Europe Begins By Recovering Lost Trust! (29nth June 2019)

Arrogance: European Union's Nemesis (1) (25th June 2019)

European Commission Presidential Elections: A Shocking Masquerade? (16nth June 2019)

The Third Millennium's Top Priority is NOT Climate Change... (10nth June 2019)

European Commission Presidential Elections 2019: Who? (10nth June 2019)

"Shall any of the candidates for the EC Presidency be able to recover the EU citizens' LOST trust...?"No answer. (2nd June 2019)

Bonjour Les Belges... (30th May 2019)

Who For The Presidency Of The European Commission...? (28th May 2019)

Artificial Intelligence --- ​>?? (26th May 2019)

Climate Change? Too late! Biodiversity? Too late! Environment? Too late! World Happiness?... (20th May 2019)

European Commission Presidency 2019-2024: An Alternative (19nth May 2019)

Education of Tomorrow: Interface Education. Master in Interfaces. Summer Courses. Registration Open (16nth May 2019)

The Future Of The World (5th May 2019)

Local + Regional + National + Continental + World Cooperation: A Mindset Issue. (26th April 2019)

EU Citizens'​ Consultations: What's next? An Incredible Manipulation. (25th April 2019)

Europe Has No Future With The Existing Team. (21rst April 2019)

Notre-Dame Cathedral Fire in Paris (21rst April 2019) 

The Future of Europe: A New Leader Is Needed! (17nth April 2019)

Education of Tomorrow: Beyond Quantum Theory. Master in Interfaces. Registration Open. (13nth April 2019)

Regions and Cities Making the SDGs Happen: A Distasteful Setup (12th April 2019)

The Locked In System: How To Get Out? (10nth April 2019)

Open Address from Independent Candidate for the EC Presidential Elections To The British Citizens. (6th April 2019)

European Citizens' Initiative Day 2019 (3rd April 2019)

We Need Happy Localities. Not Smart Cities. (1rst April 2019)

UK: Civil War? Independent Candidate for the EC Presidential Elections Addresses the UK Citizens and Government. (30th March 2019)

EU Institutions'/EU Citizens'Initiative: A Flop (29nth March 2019)

IMNRC Brochure/Flyer (March 2019)

Why Are You So Scared? (8th March 2019)

The World Deadlock (4th March 2019)

The Brussels Autocracy and Institutional Propaganda (24th February 2019)

The Worldwide Educational System: Perhaps The Greatest Swindle Of All Times (2) (20th February 2019)

The Most Sustainable Characteristic Of Our Civilisation: Hypocrisy (16nth February 2019)

Defusing the World Ticking Time Bomb... How? (12th February 2019)

European Commission Presidential Elections 2019 - Campaign Censored. (2nd February 2019)

The IMNRC Brochure Finally Out! (1rst February 2019)

The Future of the World: Towards a World Renaissance? (24th January 2019)

The Yellow Vests - Les Gillets Jaunes. (21rst January 2019)

The Rule Of Law and the Microbiome (20th January 2019)

Migration: A Shocking World Mess! (15nth January 2019)

"Horizon Europe"​ Research Framework Programme (14nth January 2019)

The EU Takes Care of Its Citizens... (13nth January 2019)

European Values = ? (12th January 2019)

Press Invitation: European Presidential Elections 2019 (8th January 2019)

Why European Peace has only lasted 70 years... (6th January 2019)

InfoDiagnosis: the IMNRC's Medical Information and Training Website (6th January 2019)

The Interface Consulting Cabinet (5th January 2019)

Education of Tomorrow: Beyond Quantum Theory. Master in Interfaces - Spring Registration Deadline: 25 March 2019 (4th January 2019)

Danger: Institutions Are Taking Over! (4th January 2019)

Master in Interfaces - Registration Deadline: 21 Decembre 2018 (17nth Decembre 2018)

A New World Order? No. A New World Referential? Yes! (14nth Octobre 2018)

EU Regions Week 2018: The EU's Swan Song? (14nth Octobre 2018)

My strong criticisms of Institutions (EU, UN, ...) on Twitter censored on Facebook. (11nth August 2018)

Don't Give Your Ideas! (31rst July 2018)

Short comments/suggestions now on Twitter (30th July 2018)

"Together We Can Create A Healthier World..." (25th July 2018)

Petition for a World Society Well Being and Quality of Life (30th May 2018)

New Global Governance (17nth April 2018)

The International Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Research Centre (IMNRC asbl/vzw) (17nth March 2017)

2018: World Inertia, Distrust and Suspicion: No Solidarity. (10nth March 2018)

European Commission Democracy at the Covent Garden in Brussels (4th March 2018)

Who Controls Your Data? Citizens! Wake up! (17nth January 2018)

The European Programme is Not Sustainable (16nth January 2018)

Interfaces - Interfaces - Interfaces (10nth January 2018)

Europe Shall Collapse...To Be Born Again (6th January 2018)

2018 - 2019: Preparing The Transition to World Happiness or World War? (4th January 2018)

Intimidation et Méchanceté de la Police Flamande à Tervuren (Brabant Flamand, Belgique) (23rd Decembre 2018)

The Future of the World: A Holistic Approach - Collaboration Proposal (9nth Decembre 2017)

Knowledge Diplomacy. Linking Science, Education and Cultural Diplomacy... To What End? (1rst Novembre 2017)

President Juncker: Your Absolute Rule Is Over! (14nth Septembre 2017)

And the Nobel Prize for Interfaces is ... (14nth July 2017)

The United Nations Organisation: What for? (6th July 2017)

Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel pledge for a reconstruction of Europe more open to the World. (24th June 2017)

The First WORLD Start-Up! (19nth June 2017)

The Sustainable Development Goals: Reinventing The Wheel! (4th June 2017)

Trump: The Alien That Catalyses World Solidarity (2nd June 2017) 

French Presidential Elections: Europe Shall Collapse Anyway... (6th May 2017)

A Human Being Is Not Born A Criminal. He/She Becomes A Criminal. Why? - N°2 (8th April 2017)

New Global Governance (Interface Governance): The NIM Network (27nth March 2017)

A Warning To Citizens! (27nth March 2017

Education: Interdisciplinarity in 2017 (26th March 2017)

President Juncker's White Paper on the Future of Europe: Not Credible (5th March 2017)

Workshop on New European Governance at the IMNRC (24th February 2017)

The End Of The European Institutions As Structured. Time To Prepare The Transition! (23rd February 2017)

Institutions and Policymakers! Citizens Don't Believe In You Anymore! (16nth February 2017)

Hope For The Future... (12th February 2017)

A World In Panic (6th February 2017)

The Linguistic Hatred in Flanders (Belgium) (28th January 2017)

Interface Governance (28th January 2017)

The New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) Info Week: Where? (27nth January 2017)

The Mindset: The Interface That Determines Our Destiny (17nth January 2017)

How To Achieve Sustainable World Peace? (3rd January 2017)

Democratic Solidarity versus Nationalist Fragmentation - Call To Action! (12th November 2016)

Call To Action! World Summit on World Society Well Being and Quality of Life (7nth November 2016)

Bratislava Summit: An Unhealthy Mess! (17nth September 2016)

The Flemish Autarchy: A Cancer For Europe And Beyond. (28th August 2016)

European Union = Just A Nameplate On Buildings In Brussels (24th August 2016)

The Worldwide Educational System: Perhaps The Greatest Swindle Of All Times (1) (22nd August 2016)

Citizens! You are Exasperating! (19nth August 2016)

Post-Brexit: The Ivory Tower Cracks From All Sides For Lack Of Communication (11nth August 2016)

European Commission appoints four new EIT governing board members. How Ugly Can You Get? (8th August 2016)

The World Mess: Solution = ? (7nth August 2016) 

The Terrible World Migration Crisis: A Vicious Circle (5th August 2016)

ME --- > WE = MEs = Holistic Fragmentation (3rd August 2016)

Fanaticism kills: ISIS, DAESH, Nationalism... (28th July 2016)

What the deuce is an interface? (28th July 2016)

Good World Citizenship: A Binding Obligation For All (25 July 2016)

Norway, Paris, Brussels, Nice, Turkey, Iraq, Munich, Kabul murders... YOU are also responsible! (25th July 2016)

What Is Most Important For Us Human Beings Today? (23rd July 2016)

Massacre in Nice. Where next? Call for Collective Citizen Participation! (15nth July 2016)

An Incredible World Mess That Is Dangerously Getting Out Of Hand! (8th July 2016) 

Give Us Your Ideas... (8th July 2016)

The Sustainable Development Goals. From Complexity to Simplicity... From Failure to Success... (8th July 2016)

Brexit: Plan B = New Capacity Building Programme (NCBP) (24 June 2016)

World Fragmentation: What To Do? (5 June 2016)

The European Union's Disunion, Collapse and Renaissance. The Transition to New Global Governance (30 May 2016)

EUSEW 2016 Energy Day Event. A Holistic Interdisciplinary Approach to Energy Inviting Collective Citizen Participation: Registration Open (6 May 2016)

The New Capacity Building Programme: A Potential European Commission Flagship Project (1 May 2016)

Platform For Worldwide Collective Citizen Participation in New Global Governance (16 April 2016)

European Institutions! You Are Exasperating! (2 April 2016)

Planet Earth In Danger! Citizens Of The World: Wake Up!!! (29 March 2016)

Belgique. Appel à la Participation Citoyenne Collective! (28 March 2016)

You are not born a criminal. You become a criminal. Why? (22 March 2016)

The Education of Tomorrow: Master in Interfaces (25th February 2016)

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): a Shocking Case of Plagiarism (20 February 2016)

The World Ticking Time Bomb and the Future of Europe (11 February 2016)

L'hypocrisie belge. Alertes ++++++++++ et suppression des festivités (31 Décembre 2015)

2016: A World Constitution Based on World Society Well Being and Quality of Life! (22 December 2015)

Paris World Climate Change Conference (COP21): A Catalyst for New Global Governance? (30 November 2015)

World Citizen Collaboration: How? First Step: National Brainstorming Events! (25 November 2015)

The World Society Well Being and Quality of Life Summit: Defusing The World Ticking Time Bomb... (21 November 2015)

World Hate and Mass Executions Shall Continue Unless...  (14 Novembre 2015)

Managing Diversity and Complexity: A Roadmap to Peaceful Integration (19 October 2015)

The Dangers Of Nationalism in Flanders (Belgium) and Elsewhere (10 October 2015)

The Rise and Fall of The Human Brain Project & Juncker's 10 Priorities (7 October 2015)

Science Meets Parliaments - The Need For An Educational Revolution (20 September 2015)

On "Events": lectures, workshops, summits ...and tutti quanti! (11 September 2015)

Europe Is Not Sustainable. (8 Septembre 2015)

Migration Requires A New Global Governance Infrastructure! (4 September 2015)

The International Interface Research Center (IIRC) (2) (3 September 2015)

Europe! You Don't Deserve Your Nobel Peace Prize Anymore! (1 September 2015)

Worst World Crisis Ever = Yes, There Is A Solution! (27 August 2015)

Migration: I am ashamed of being a European! (26 August 2015)

World Incompetence - World Hypocrisy - World Inertia (22 August 2015)

A Road Map to Sustainable World Peace (2) 27 July 2015

Stop The Greek Humiliation! 14 July 2015

A Road Map to Sustainable World Peace (1) 10 July 2015

The Greek "NO!" = Time For A Fundamental Change In Governance! 6 July 2015 

EU collapse? New Global Governance Infrastructure Urgently Needed! 2 July 2015

World War III? 23 May 2015

World Incompetence = Educational Incompetence 20 May 2015

IMNRC-NewPOL Network: Workshops & Lectures 20 May 2015

IMNRC-NewPOL Network's ezine: "Active Networking" 17 May 2015

Re-inventing The Wheel ...Again...and Again...and Again...! 14 May 2015

The New Capacity Building Program: Open Collaboration 12 May 2015

International Interface Research Center (IIRC): Call for Industries - 10 May 2015

World Holistic Transition - 10 May 2015

World Holistic Fragmentation - 5 May 2015

The Education of Tomorrow: Master in Interfaces - 27 April 2015

Migration- Solution = New Global Governance! - 20 April 2015

The New Capacity Building Program: The UN & EU Institutions - 19 April 2015   

EUSEW 2015 EDE: Pilot Scheme 1: Registration Online - 17 April 2015

New Capacity Building Programme Website

Stop Whining! Act Now! - 5th April 2015

How To Create A National Brainstorming Event and Why? - 3rd April 2015

National Brainstorming Events, Interfaces and The Cosmos  - 

National Brainstorming Event- Ultimate National Re-conciliator?

Education: A Double-edged Sword

How Active and Healthy Ageing Can Transform World Society

Innovation = ?

The Urgency of New Global Governance!

National Brainstorming Events - Generic Programme for Each Country

Executions Soon Forgotten!

The New Capacity Building Program overtaking EU and UN Programs?

Nobel Peace Prize to boost the New Capacity Building Programme.

The World Ticking Time Bomb: A Solution Exists!

La France: Courage!

The World Ticking Time Bomb and Nothing Is Done!

World Hate and Conflict Prevention: A Collective Effort!

Hate and Murder in Paris: What Can Be Done?

Carnage à Paris - Que Faire?

National Brainstorming Events - Nearly 140 Countries!

2015: The Human World Grid - New Global Governance

Prime Minister's Cabinet Responds Favourably to NBE - Domino Effect?

A Warning For The Future

The European Institution's Chronic Internal Dysfunctions: A Real Mess

World Collaboration

National Brainstorming Events (NBEs) & Business

ISIS Hostages in Australia Were Expected. Warnings Ignored...

A New World System

Belgian Crisis: Belgian Prime Minister's Cabinet to examine a NBE

2015 World Summit on Climate Change in Paris: A Flop

Understanding Interfaces: The IMIRC

National Brainstorming Events

What is the Finality of Education?

The Mindset's - or State of Mind's - Crucial Importance.

Putin: The New Capacity Building Program?

New Capacity Building Program: How To Get Started?

What Is Knowledge For?

Nationalism: Toxic for the Brain.

The New Capacity Building Program - World Collaboration

The International Interface Research Center (IIRC): integrating the bubbles together.

Why are we leaving LinkedIn for Google?

The only question is whether we can do it in time.

What is "A Good Project" in 2014?

The role of companies in stress management and work-life balance of their employees.

How The World Deals With Problems in 2014.

Integration = Added Value + Efficiency + Economy = The New Capacity Building Program.

Strong International Support for the New Capacity Building Program (NCBP).

Europe - New Capacity Building Program - Interface Commissioners - European Presidency

Anders Breivik - ISIS - Mass murders - Wars - Genocides - ...

Belgique/België. Hervé Gourdel a été décapité parce qu'il était Français. Motif? La haine.

New Capacity Building Program National Representations (NCBP NR). How Does It Work?

World War III…?

Climate Change Summit: an Event with No Tomorrow.

World Incompetence, Shocking Hypocrisy and Inertia. The Price to Pay.

Tango: A virtual step backward to Defuse the World Ticking Time Bomb.

Could the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and the Middle East conflict paradoxically help catalyse New World Governance?

Planet Earth: Time is running out...

Does data achieve sustainable happiness?

The New Capacity Building Program (NCBP) and the BAMSF: Basic Annual Membership Subscription Fee.

Nobel Peace Prize to boost the New Capacity Building Programme.

Master in Interfaces (M.I.)

Pilot Scheme 1 (PS-1): achieving and sustaining city society well being and quality of life with smart cities. How to integrate the bubbles together?

The World Ticking Time Bomb...

EBOLA Virus Outbreak.

Africa: or how the rest of the world is stealing all the goods in the name of "democracy"....

Ezine N° 5 (6th July 2015): Consequences of the Greek "NO!" 

Ezine N° 4 (28th June 2015): 1. Defusing the world ticking time-bomb...: World Incompetence - World Hypocrisy - World Inertia.

Ezine N° 3 (8th June 2015): 1. Final reminder. We are organising our fourth EUSEW EDE on Pilot Scheme 1 on Monday 15nth June 2015. Deadline for registration: Thursday 11nth June 2015 at 12.00hrs. 2. STOA workshop on Graphene at the European Parliament. 3. Debate on Urban development and public space. 4. Two-day workshop on Feminicide at the European Parliament and the European Social Platform

Ezine N° 2 (28th May 2015): 1. Invitation. 2. Neuroimmunoendocrinology: an Introduction to Integrated Interdisciplinary Medicine in Medical School? 3. LinkedIn

Ezine N° 1 (18nth May 2015): 1. What we need. 2. LinkedIn


2. EZINES (Are being redirected)

Ezines - "Active Networking": The IMNRC-NewPOL Network's Newsletter


Ezine N° 58 (3rd August 2020) Pre-Covid-19 - Covid-19 - Post-Covid-19

Ezine N° 57 (29nth January 2020) Invitation

Ezine N° 56 (3rd Novembre 2019) The Whistleblower

Ezine N° 55 (2nd Septembre 2019) World Crisis 

Ezine N° 54 (14nth July 2019) EC Presidency: Trust, Education & Governance

Ezine N° 53 (19nth May 2019) Special Issue: The EU Elections 2019: Exasperation and Distrust

Ezine N° 52 (26th March 2019) Special Issue: The IMNRC

Ezine N° 51 (11nth February 2019) European Democracy and Freedom of Expression in Brussels

Ezine N° 50 (11nth Decembre 2018) Official Announcement of My Campaign for the EU Presidential Elections 2019 (Independent Candidate) - Press Club - 10 January 2019 

Ezine N° 49 Special Issue. EU Presidential Elections 2019 (13nth June 2018) EU Presidential Elections 2019 Campaign 

Ezine N° 48 (2nd April 2018) An Unhealthy System

Ezine N° 47 (19nth January 2018) Who Controls Your Data? Citizens! Wake up!

Ezine N° 46 (16nth Decembre 2017) Complexity - Happiness - New Global Governance 

Ezine N° 45 (7nth Octobre 2017) Juncker's speech on the state of the Union - Institutional propaganda - Nobel Peace Prize - Education - Governance - If... 

Ezine N° 44 Special Issue The Future Of Europe (9nth August 2017) The Future of Europe. A New Leader Is Needed For The Transition...

Ezine N° 43 (19nth July 2017) UN - Nobel Prize - Liu Xiaobo - Fake News - Rule of Law - The BKC

Ezine N° 42 (25th June 2017) The Future of Europe - NGG - Education - Trust

Ezine N° 41 (9nth May 2017) Ten Interconnected Topics

Ezine N° 40 (31rst March 2017) Interface Governance - Citizens...citizens...citizens...

Ezine N° 39 (12th March 2017) New European Governance

Ezine N° 38 (13nth February 2017) Who should replace Juncker? - World Panic - Fascist Flanders - Interface Governance - NCBP Info Week

Ezine N° 37 (22nd January 2017) Hope!

Ezine N° 36 (17nth December 2016) The worldwide educational system, perhaps the greatest swindle of all times: nothing changes! - The European Solidarity Corps: begins by creating division - European Institutions: an institutional chaos - United Nations' Human Rights Day at the Beaux-Arts in Brussels: world hypocrisy - The Summit on Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA), the Human Biomonitoring (HBM) Initiative and Smart Cities: need for holistic thinking - Cyber Issues: why are there issues in the first place? - EU-China Relations: trust... - Neurosciences and the Human Brain Project (HBP)/BRAINS/MINDS: fragmentation - The World Summit on World Society Well Being and Quality of Life: gaining momentum

Ezine N° 35 Special Issue US Presidential Elections (11nth November 2016) Trump President: Now What? Call To Action! 

Ezine N° 34 (2nd November 2016) Smart City Governance. A very successful international workshop in Brussels - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Call For A Solution - European Parliament. Three cheers for New Global Governance! - European Commission. Strong encouragements for our activities, but no funds. Yet. - European Commission. The European Innovation Council (EIC) Team welcomes our offer to recover the citizens' trust. For free...? - European Institutions. The Scorpion is back thanks to the EIT - European Institutions. What do the Staff think? - Who To Believe...? Who To Trust...?

Ezine N° 33 (12th October 2016) Swiss Mission to the EU: Swiss Science Briefing on ‘Longing for a good night’s sleep? Solutions at the cross-roads between psychology, biology and neuroscience: how to best support interdisciplinarity’ - Académie Royale De Belgique: Chaire Lavoisier: L'avenir de l'Europe: durabilité - EPC: Youth unemployment in Europe. Are we winning the battle? - Académie De Médecine: Médecine numérisée, une révolution en marche - EESC: "LE BOIS DES SOUVENIRS: Marcinelle au-delà de la tragédie" - Alsace Soirée organisée par ( - European Commission: 2016 Horizon 2020 info day on  'Smart cities and communities' - Martens Center: Fighting terrorism: Do we have what it takes? - Politico: Debate with Commissioner Moscovici - European Parliament: International Day of Democracy - European Commission: International Network for Government Scientific Advice (INGSA) - EESC: "Designing the framework for bottom-up climate action"! - Académie Royale De Belgique: Colloque international : De la mémoire ou de l'oubli. L'amnistie en question(s). - European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC). 

Ezine N° 32 Special Issue Bratislava Summit (17nth September 2016) Bratislava Summit: An Unhealthy Mess!

Ezine N° 31 (4th September 2016) The Worldwide Educational System: Perhaps The Greatest Swindle Of All Times - European Union = Just A Nameplate On Buildings In Brussels...? - The Flemish Autarchy: A Cancer For Europe And Beyond. - Who Attends Meetings?

Ezine N° 30 (20th August 2016) 12 Topics - EU Institutions Sinking Their Own Ship

Ezine N° 29 (8th July 2016) SDGs - Ideas - The World Mess / New EU Governance by 2020 - Goldman Sachs - Administrative overload

Ezine N° 28 Special Brexit Issue (24th June 2016) Brexit: Plan B

Ezine N° 27 (10nth June 2016) Call for Scientists / Trust... / European Collapse and Renaissance / World Fragmentation / Our EUSEW 2016 EDE Registration Deadline

Ezine N° 26 (22nd May 2016) What is innovation for? - IPR: the EIT once again - The Smart Health Care System

Ezine N° 25 (4th May 2016) The New Capacity Building Programme: a potential EU Flagship Project - The U.S.’s Third Offset Strategy and its implications for transatlantic security - Bubbles...  

Ezine N° 24 (21rst April 2016) Platform For Worldwide Collective Citizen Participation in New Global Governance - Our EUSEW 2016 Energy Day Event “A Holistic Interdisciplinary Approach to Energy: Invitation to Citizens’ Participation” - “Imagine Europe: A Search for a New Narrative”. Beaux-Arts (BOZAR) Palace, Brussels. - Exhibition “Construire La Mémoire” (Building Memory) and the situation in Japan following the Tsunami and Fukushima Disaster - European Parliament. STOA workshop: “The case for investing in health within the developing world” - The Integrator - Freedom of Expression not tolerated on the European Parliament Premises...

Ezine N° 23 (9nth April 2016) The Era of Fragmentation is over - The Scientific and Medical world - The European Scorpion - NCBP: a practical approach - On Trust...

Ezine N° 22 (24th March 2016) Brussels Bombing / Brussels Political Incompetence / Flemish-Francophone Reconciliation?

Ezine N° 21 (28th February 2016) Tax compliance / Bubbles / Master in Interfaces / The Integrator & New European Governance

Ezine N° 20 (6 February 2016) Excellence - EIT - Diversity

Ezine N° 19 (16 January 2016): Call For Action

Ezine N° 18 (28th December 2015): Season's Greetings

Ezine N° 17 (15nth December 2015): 7nth European Innovation Summit on AHA & 4th Conference of Partners - The EIT Issue

Ezine N° 16 (5th December 2015): World Citizen Collaboration: How? / Paris World Climate Change Conference (COP21) = ?


Ezine N° 15 (22nd November 2015): The World Society Well Being and Quality of Life Summit: Defusing The World Ticking Time Bomb...

Ezine N° 14 (15nth November 2015): World Hate and Mass Executions Shall Continue Unless...

Ezine N° 13 (2nd November 2015): Trust - Holistic Integration - Horizon 2020 

Ezine N° 12 (25th October 2015): Managing Diversity and Complexity

Ezine N° 11 (13nth October 2015): The Brain - Peace - Nationalism vs Democracy - Education of Tomorrow

Ezine N° 10 (3rd October 2015): The Third Millennium’s Top Priority - Recent posts on LinkedIn

Ezine N° 9 (3rd September 2015): Open Political Asylum Request (EU and Non EU) - Recent LinkedIn posts:

Ezine N° 8 (23rd August 2015): The World Situation

Ezine N° 7 (30th July 2015): Everything is connected to Everything. Therefore? - Executive Summary

Ezine N° 6 (15nth July 2015): The Big Picture & Greece - Health Literacy - CAPS 2015

2. POSTS (Coming...)




Facebook Video on me created by the Facebook Team. Please visit Thank you so much Mark Zuckerberg! 



Brochure: A comprehensive resume of the IMNRC's extensive scope of activities.

The New Capacity Building Programme: A Potential European Commission Flagship Project (1rst May 2016)

Executive Summary (short updated resume) - 5th October 2015

General Resume - 23rd November 2014

General Resume - October 2014

European Commission. Meeting on “Research meets diplomacy: Europe as a Global Actor” – Follow-up - 8th June 2014


Clinical Research

Case study: a successful innovative treatment for invasive bladder cancer in the elderly.

Published on the IMNRC Website. Open Access. See CWIN 4-1

January 3, 2010 

One of our Expressions of interest is "The Physics of Life and the Neuroimmunoendocrine System: an integrated interdisciplinary understanding of diseases and healing potential in the human being explored using novel approaches to therapy". By applying this principle, I developed a successful innovative treatment for invasive bladder cancer in collaboration with St. Jean Hospital, Brussels that waived the need for radical cystectomy and/or intensive six week radiotherapy. For our treatment to be resognised as an official alternative to EBM, we need to apply the same protocol to many patients of the same category. NB. The term Neuroimmunoendocrine was later replaced by the term Nutri-Neuro-Immuno-Vasculo-Endocrino-Epigenetic (NNIVEE). We now refer to the NNIVEE System

Case study (ongoing): A NNIVEE approach to Colorectal Cancer Stage IV.

The Physics of Life: the Awakening of Intelligence

Not published
November 20, 1983

The book is a comprehensive holistic integrated interdisciplinary study of the State of Mind.