Progress Report



Study of Selected Transdisciplinary Areas from Natural Sciences and Social Sciences

[Comments of Principal Coordinator in blue]

Team of our applicants has successfully completed three-years grant project "The study and propagation of transdisciplinary aspects of scientific and philosophical disciplines" (GA CR No. 401/02/059) Its major results were published by collected publications (book by J. Sestak: "Heat, thermal analysis and Society", Nucleus, Hradec Kralové 2004, S. Komarek: "Collection of Essays about Nature and Society", Vesmir 2003 as well as habilitation thesis of M. Holecek: "Averaging in Continuum Thermomechanics", ZCU Plzen 2004, prepared for print as a book in 2005), further 17 publications and invited conference lectures. New contacts were established with both the humanity and natural science aimed institutions (University of Bristol, INT PAN Wroclaw, Mathematisch-Physikalische Institute Basel), Wright University Dayton, and Center for Ethics Tübingen. Kyoto University, C. G. Jung Inst. Zürich, University Leiden, University of Vienna).

Concentrated activity and coordinated cooperation of qualified scientists from various fields with their different professional practice have enabled enrichment of interdisciplinary teamwork providing results unattainable under the separate activity of individually specialized workers. Therefore we would like to continue such an interdisciplinary cooperation using the previously gained results and experience. For suggested project we have had to select namely three domains:

a) ethical problems of scientific work
b) hermeneutic versus reductionistic approach to scientific work
c) transdisciplinary analysis of boundary areas of contemporary scientific results.

These themes are important from the viewpoint of present situation that has developed in scientific understanding, and are reasonably workable and decidable within the capacity and scientific background of our applicants. Project can bring new views and results, introduce new themes in university curriculum - preparing new generation of scientists with a quite new understanding of the unity between the humanities and natural sciences.

Historical evolution of human cognition developed a wide gap between natural sciences and humanities. This gap still exists and is difficult to surmount. Due to wide field of knowledge in modern times, narrow specialization of various fields is inevitable. However this particularization of knowledge also brings some essential problems. The mutual influence of various fields of human activity and cognition is often indirect and thus leads to unwanted side effects and misinterpretations of terms, mutual disregarding and distrust. Therefore a better communication, global overview and improved world-viewed orientation is a necessary request of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary views.

Read more: 1) Czech project - 2) Academy of Social Arts

[Your Plan of Action takes the form of a concrete proposal that is directly in line with the Basic Role of the NC Team. This is good work. There is still some work to be done on the educational approach regarding interfaces. Your proposal shall elegantly contribute to the preparation and implementation of the IAP (Please refer to the CWINs). Thank you for your efforts.]