
 Pilot Scheme 1



How Does It Work?


World Society Well Being & Quality of Life Pre-Summit Preparations – World Society Well Being & Quality of Life Pre-Summit

World Society Well Being & Quality of Life Summit Preparations – World Society Well Being & Quality of Life Summit

New Global Governance Platform

National Interface Ministry

New Global Governance

Lexicon:    WSWBQoL = World Society Well Being and Quality of Life

                WBQoL = Well Being and Quality of Life

                NSWBQoL = National Society Well Being and Quality of Life

                SM = Standard Methodology

                PA = Profile Assessment

                ML = Missing Link(s)

                CD = Common Denominator                 

                NGG = New Global Governance

                PS-1 = Pilot Scheme 1

                CWINs = ustomised World Interdisciplinary Networks


Coordinated interdisciplinary integration of all the roadmaps, action plans and grids together is possible and requires New Global Governance (NGG), or coordinated holistic interactive bottom-up top-down integrated interdisciplinary governance. This means turning to New Capacity Building (NCB). The NCBP is an atypical algorithm and training program for Big Data management and integration introducing parallel processing that combines the Education of Tomorrow with the Governance of Tomorrow focusing on the State of Mind and using a bottom-up top-down approach.


The Third Millennium's Top Priority is to achieve and sustain World Society Well Being and Quality of Life.

To succeed, TWO conditions are required:

1. Trust.

2. A Holistic Multicultural Interdisciplinary Integration Catalyser (HMIIC).   

The New Capacity Building Programme provides both by launching National Brainstorming Events (NBEs: national holistic multicultural integrated interdisciplinary initiatives to achieve and sustain national society well being and quality of life) now in nearly 140 countries.  

With no trust, any policy shall fail whatever the political programme. With no powerful tool to understand and deal with the complexities of today’s challenges, we are also doomed in the long term.

The NBEs are organised by the NCBP National Representations (NRs). For example, the Italian NBE is organised by the Italian National Representation and so forth. We invite applications to join your own NCBP National Representation thereby giving you the opportunity to help your country set up and coordinate your NBE. The NCBP is gaining international acceptance with growing worldwide interest.


1. Trust.  

Of fundamental importance when a country is confronted with problems is trust. The first and most important step when trying to find solutions to the citizens’ problems is achieving National Trust. This means listening and talking to the citizen. Listening to his/her hopes, interests and concerns. But listening and talking to the citizens is not enough. To win their trust, you must convince the citizens that there shall be a concrete verifiable follow-up to these interactive dialogues (through interactive software for example) where each citizen shall be able to keep track of his/her input with constant interactive feedback. You must convince that his/her views shall have a direct impact on both his/her own and his/her country’s National Society Well Being and Quality of Life. .  

2. A Holistic Multicultural Interdisciplinary Integration Catalyser (HMIIC)  

The issues we are faced with today (conflict, migration, environment, energy, health, research, food/water, economy, ...) are not exclusively national or continental but typical multicultural integrated interdisciplinary challenges that can only be appropriately managed through New Global Governance (coordinated holistic interactive bottom-up top-down integrated interdisciplinary governance) that in turn requires holistic multicultural integrated interdisciplinary education, the education of tomorrow.  Problem: there are no facilities for holistic multicultural integrated interdisciplinary education. Now there shall be. This is the International Interface Research Center (IIRC)

What is a National Brainstorming Event (NBE)? 

It has been recently clearly demonstrated that direct public participation has considerable added value for solving national issues. Each National Representation shall therefore launch National Brainstorming Events (NBEs) in collaboration with the media, government authorities, institutions and organisations where all citizens - academia, civil society and politicians - shall be invited to achieve and sustain both their personal and their National Society Well Being and Quality of Life (NSWBQoL) thus creating a strong national incentive to solve their country’s problems. NBEs encourage holistic multicultural interdisciplinary integration at national level, have a considerable impact on mentalities and pacify the country. NBEs shall also greatly facilitate the creation of the NSWBQoL Profiles that must be presented for the Pre-Summit on World Society Well being and Quality of Life. Each NBE in whatever country shall need full national logistic support and collaboration from the national media, government and the citizens themselves. Auditoriums for public debates and also accommodation facilities shall be required.

How to create a NBE?

How To Create A National Brainstorming Event and Why?

The NBEs are organised by the NCBP National Representations (NRs) that consist of LinkedIn and Non LinkedIn Members. The former are in the LinkedIn NCBP group. NRs are expected to have thoroughly studied and understood the NCBP where everything is explained. Published posts on my LinkedIn Profile are recommended. A prior NR Brainstorming Session shall have to be organised to discuss the NBE. It is important to understand that the Action Plan and Program are NOT predetermined. The objective for the citizens is to achieve and sustain their own personal and that of their country's society well being and quality of life. Just how this shall be undertaken shall be the result of the NBE. The Action Plan and Program shall be fine tuned in collaboration with the people and their interactive feedback. This must be clearly explained to the citizens. For budget assessments, an avant-garde financial, venture capitalist, marketing expert shall be needed. 

Once this has been done, each National Representation contacts its national media and governance to organise a TV/Radio panel session informing the national population that there shall be a NBE, what it is and why. The panel should include myself, the NCBP National Representation‘s Principal Coordinator, National governance and society stakeholders’ representatives. A National Task Force is needed to proceed and must be funded. The NR shall therefore request a National Mandate. The major part of the National Mandate shall contribute to the National Task Force and the rest shall go to the Central Task Force (CTF) for the IMNRC-NewPOL Network’s HQ in Belgium. In other words, the CTF funds shall come from minor contributions from each of the National Mandates. This shall hopefully be completed by an International Mandate and crowd-funding.  

The purpose of the first NBE shall be multiple. 1) Create the National Representation (the initial NSWBQoL Team) that shall supervise the coordination of the NBE.  2) Think up a strategy to find a national definition of well being and quality of life. 3) Think up a strategy to find a National Standard Methodology for NSWBQoL Profile Assessment. 4) Action Plan. 5) Program. Every country shall present its National WBQoL definition and Standard Methodology for NSWBQoL Profile Assessment during a Pre-Summit on WSWBQoL to reach a general consensus on a World Definition of WBQoL and a World Standard Methodology for NSWBQoL Profile Assessment. Then and only then can each NR proceed with the creation of its NSWBQoL Profiles – integrating the village/town/city/rural society WBQoL Profiles for Pilot Scheme 1 - to be later submitted during the World Summit on WSWBQoL. During the World SWBQoL Summit, we shall examine how these NSWBQoLPs can be articulated together exploring the missing links and the common denominator in so doing setting the stage for a New Global Governance platform where the international referential is now WSWBQoL. The Post-Summit Step shall be to effectively achieve and sustain NSWBQoL with the creation of National Interface Ministries (NIMs) – these are none other than NSWBQoL Ministries - that integrate all the other existing National Ministries. The NIM Network shall then enable to achieve and sustain WSWBQoL. Pilot Scheme 1 in every country may not have to wait for the Summit to be held and take immediate steps to achieve and sustain the City's citizens' well being and quality of life with smart technology.  

Once a NSWBQoL Profile has been created, another NBE shall be organised for data mining. Everything related to, say, poverty is collected and integrated into one bubble with sufficient plasticity to interconnect with any "non poverty” theme, say, conflict, climate change or migration or ... The process is repeated for every existing theme. You thus have a very complete interdisciplinary bubble assembling all past and existing data on poverty in country 1 + another such bubble for conflict for the same country 1 + etc.... The bubbles must be so configured as to enable continual adaptation and processing with new data. The bubbles are progressively and continuously blended together into ONE highly dynamic and interactive project, that of achieving and sustaining NSWBQoL.  


The above involves integration of Big Data, IoT and Cloud computing, ICT/Digital/Satellite technology and is actually taking place. However, a Task Force is needed (National Task Force and Central Task Force) to boost and monitor the NCBP worldwide. This means customised support for every NR and the Central HQ, organising many workshops and international meetings, receptions, responding to many invitations, logistic considerations, more staff, public relations, ... International Funding is required. 

The UN have given me the green light for a hearing in New York provided that I can give evidence of massive visible support for the NCBP. I have also been invited to give a presentation of the NCBP before the EU Baden-Württemberg Representation. Following two International Japan-EU Symposia on ICT and the Future of Industry recognising the need to integrate and go global, the NCBP is going to be given active consideration. The Head of the Arab League Mission to the EU has accepted to meet me to discuss how the NCBP’s holistic approach to conflict could help find a sustainable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Finally, following a whole day session on the world situation at the Russian Cultural Center in Brussels where the NCBP was briefly exposed, there was a strong interest and motion in favour of adopting the NCBP on a world basis including Russia...


10 Levels of Increasing Complexity

(example: Italy)

Level 1. National Representations (Main Link for Basic Explanations)

  1. The NSWBQoL Team - Recruitment (Pre-Selection): 1rst National Brainstorming Event on NSWBQoL

    The Final NSWBQoL Team shall in fact be the pioneers of the future National Interface Ministry (NSWBQoL Ministry) that shall only be finalised after the World Society Well Being and Quality of Life Summit. The growing NSWBQoL Team shall necessarily contribute to NBE developments. Recruitment by the existing core Team (as of February 2015) shall proceed during the NBE.

Level 2. WSWBQoL Pre-Summit Preparations – The Five Stages (Five Deliverables)

  1. Recruitment (Selection - Probation - Final)
  2. Italian Definition of WBQoL 
  3. Italian SM for NSWBQoL PA
  4. Action Plan 

    Draft Action Plan to achieve and sustain NSWBQoL. The Action Plan can only be finalised after the creation of the NIM 

  5. Website  

    The website is for national use and explains the NCBP in the country's own language(s)

Level 3. WSWBQoL Pre-Summit – Discussions 

  1. Presentation of Italian Definition of WBQoL
  2. Presentation of Italian SM for NSWBQoL PA
  3. Interarticulation of National Suggestions
  4. What are the ML?
  5. What is the CD

Level 4. WSWBQoL Pre-Summit – Deliverables

  1. World Definition of WBQoL
  2. World SM for NSWBQoL PA

Level 5. WSWBQoL Summit – Preparations

  1. +/- 260 NSWBQoL Profile Creations -     

Level 6. WSWBQoL Summit – Discussions

  1. Presentation of each NSWBQoL Profile
  2. Interarticulation of Profiles
  3. What are the ML?
  4. What is the CD?

Level 7. WSWBQoL Summit – Deliverable  

  1. NGG Platform

Level 8. Achieving and sustaining NSWBQoL: NIM  

1.  This means coordinated action between all the villages/towns/cities through PS-1 

Level 9. NIM Network --- > CWINS

Level 10. NGG --- > CWINS


The above presentation enables you to have the global picture and see how everything is organised both from inside and above.

The complete detailed programme is so complex as to be quite unintelligible and discouraging for most. The best way to proceed seems to be a customised follow-up for each National Representation (Team).

Indeed each Level of Complexity shall require additional expertise that shall have to be integrated to that Level.

National and International Constitution and Law shall have to be adapted. New rules shall have to be created. The task is indeed phenomenal, but perfectly possible now.